August 28th - 30th, 2025

Hotel Deal

Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino
3000 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, NV 89109, US

For guest who prefer to call in their reservations directly, please have them call 1-800-732-7117 and give the following code: SIBJJ5R

For those who prefer to make their reservations online, please have them use [this link]

The discounted reservation code is valid until the cut-off date, Aug 7th, 2025, or until we meet the maximum room block capacity. After that, you may still request rooms but it will be subject to the HOTEL's availability at prevailing room rates. 

Las Vegas Marriott Convention Center
325 Convention Center Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89109, US

Please use [this link] to book with a discounted rate.

The discounted reservation code is valid until the cut-off date, Aug 5th, 2025, or until we meet the maximum room block capacity. After that, you may still request rooms but it will be subject to the HOTEL's availability at prevailing room rates. 


If you are interested in working with IBJJF for this championship, please complete the application form [here]

Las Vegas Convention Center - Hall W1-W3
300 Convention Center Dr
Las Vegas
NV - 89109
United States of America
$139.00 (USD) until March 30th, 2025
$170.00 (USD) until June 8th, 2025
$184.00 (USD) until August 17th, 2025
Spectator Entrance Fee


Children aged 12 years and younger get free admission.
Black belts coaches with valid membership get free admission.
Athletes registered in the tournament get free admission for all event days.
Athletes registered in the juvenile or kids division are allowed to bring one companion on the day they compete free of charge.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Parking Fee

* Date(s) and time(s) based on event location
Affiliation Deadline
August 7th, 2025

This is the preferred deadline for academies to be registered and for athletes to have valid membership in order to register for the championship.

Athletes must have active membership through the event dates under their current belt rank and academy in order to register for championships.

Academies must be registered with IBJJF for their students to request membership.

IBJJF cannot guarantee that applications submitted after the Affiliation Deadline will be processed in time for athletes to register for championship.

For more information on how to request or renew your membership, please click here.

For more information on how to register your academy, please click here.

Registration deadline
August 17th, 2025

Before registering, athletes must have active membership that will be valid through the last day of the championship.

Athletes with expired or incomplete membership applications are ineligible to register.

Athletes are strongly advised to complete their championship registrations before making any travel arrangements.

IBJJF reserves the right to close registration prior to the Registration Deadline if the event reaches full capacity.

The Registration Deadline expires at 11:59 PM, event local time, unless the championship reaches full capacity prior to that date.

Athlete Correction Deadline
August 18th, 2025

Athletes may edit their team, age division, and weight division by logging into their account at until the Athlete Correction Deadline.

Athletes that miss the Athlete Correction Deadline should contact their professor to request the change during the Professor Correction Period.

Athletes unable to edit their tournament registration from their profile should contact with their requested change within the deadline.

For security purposes, the request must be made from the athlete’s email address associated with the IBJJF account.

If you no longer have access to the email registered on your IBJJF account, please email us a copy of your government-issued photo ID along with your request.

Athletes who requested a change must verify the correction(s) on the Athlete List. Once the correction has been completed, the Athlete List will update within 30 minutes.

The Athlete Correction Deadline expires at 11:59 PM, event local time.

Professor Correction Period
August 19th - 20th, 2025

Authorized professors may make corrections to their team lists during the Professor Correction Period by logging into their account at

Authorized professors unable to make changes online should email their changes from their registered email address to, during the Professor Correction Period.

For security purposes, all professor requests must be made from the email address associated with the professor’s IBJJF account.

If you no longer have access to the email registered on your IBJJF account, please email us a copy of your government-issued photo ID along with your request.

Professors who completed a correction must verify the correction(s) on the Athlete List. The Athlete List will update every 30 minutes.

The Professor Correction Period expires at 11:59 PM, event local time.

Registration Checkday
August 22nd, 2025

Single-bracket competitors should email with their preferred championship registration option within the deadline. Check the single-bracket options on the event’s page.

Athletes and professors who requested a change must verify the correction(s) on the Athlete List to ensure the correction was performed correctly.

Only mistakes made by IBJJF staff are eligible for correction on the Registration Checkday. New correction requests will not be considered.

If you need assistance with a correction, please email within the deadline.

For security purposes, the request must be made from the athlete’s email address associated with the IBJJF account.

If you no longer have access to the email registered on your IBJJF account, please email us a copy of your government-issued photo ID along with your request.

The deadline to contact IBJJF is 5 PM, event local time.

Schedule Release Date
August 27th, 2025

On this date, IBJJF will release the final schedule. Time of release will depend upon the championship’s organization.

Brackets Release Date
August 27th, 2025

The brackets will be available online at

Male and Female
1995 and before
Master 1
Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1989 and before
Master 2
Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1984 and before
Master 3
Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1979 and before
Master 4
Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1974 and before
Master 5
Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1969 and before
Master 6
Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1964 and before
Master 7
Blue, Purple, Brown, Black

*Any athlete who has proven to be a black belt in judo, has fought MMA professionally, has an amateur MMA record or has proven experience in wrestling, Olympic wrestling or Greco-Roman wrestling, can not participate in any IBJJF event as a white belt.

Proven experience in the U.S. consists of having competed at the collegiate level or higher and in other countries, having competed in nationwide events.

Male and Female
Year Of Birth Age Division Belt
1995 and before Master 1 Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1989 and before Master 2 Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1984 and before Master 3 Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1979 and before Master 4 Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1974 and before Master 5 Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1969 and before Master 6 Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
1964 and before Master 7 Blue, Purple, Brown, Black

*Any athlete who has proven to be a black belt in judo, has fought MMA professionally, has an amateur MMA record or has proven experience in wrestling, Olympic wrestling or Greco-Roman wrestling, can not participate in any IBJJF event as a white belt.

Proven experience in the U.S. consists of having competed at the collegiate level or higher and in other countries, having competed in nationwide events.


Athletes who placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd are eligible to register for the Open Class bracket.

How to register?

The athletes who are willing to register for the Open Class may do so at the event at the Open Class registration table. 

Athletes must register in Open Class within 15 minutes after receiving their medal awards. 

Athletes will not be able to register for the Open Class division after its registration deadline.

* The Open Class start time posted in the event’s schedule it’s an estimated start time only. The division start time can vary throughout the event day due to several factors, such as: number of people registered, previous fight time duration, inside the ring medical care, etc. 

The competitors who are willing to participate in the Open Class divisions must have a flexible schedule, in order to be available for the start time of the division, whenever that may be.



We try to accommodate as many athletes as possible in our events comfortably, but there is a limit on the number of athletes in order to guarantee a high quality event.

IBJJF reserves the right to close registration when we reach full capacity, or on the day of the appointed event registration deadline, whichever comes first.

We strongly suggest that athlete registration is finalized before making any travel arrangements.

Any false information provided during registration such as, but not limited to, DOB, may lead to immediate disqualification. Such actions are subject to suspension or even banishment from future IBJJF events.

Refund Policy

The registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.

IBJJF cannot guarantee the athletes will show up for the tournament. Therefore, IBJJF will not refund athletes who end up without a match due to a non-show for his / her opponent.

Exemption: Athletes who are alone in their division are eligible to receive a full refund of the registration if they contact and request to withdraw their name from the competition on the day of the tournament’s Registration Checkday, before 5 PM (event local time). If the athlete remains alone in the division by 5 PM, the refund will be processed.

*If an athlete’s division becomes populated with an additional athlete(s) on or before the Registration Checkday, the athlete will remain in their division and will no longer qualify for a refund.

For more detailed information regarding athletes who are alone in their division, please refer to the "Athlete Alone in the Division" section found below.

Competition Day - Show up Time and Weigh-in

It is the responsibility of the athlete to be knowledgeable of the rules and guidelines pertaining to the sport (as outlined in the IBJJF Rules Book).

It is mandatory to have an official government photo ID or an IBJJF membership card at all times.  Before each fight, athletes will be asked to show their valid form of photo identification (ID) to the officials. Make sure you have it on hand.

If you have any issues regarding your ID documents, please go to the Customer Service booth when it is available, or the Administration Table.

Refer to the schedule link in order to know when you should be at the event ready to compete and inside the warm up area.

Competitors must be at the venue ready to compete, one hour prior to the start time for their division in the case the tournament is running earlier than expected.

The division start time posted in the event’s schedule it’s an estimated start time only. The division start time can vary throughout the event day due to several factors that are beyond our control.

The official weight measurements of this event is in POUNDS.

Official weigh-in will occur immediately before the first fight. Only one attempt to make weight is allowed.

Be advised the athletes will be disqualified in their division if they weigh in heavier than the weight listed for the division they registered in.

Athletes are subject to blood and/or urine testing for any substance or method on the World Anti-Doping Agency (“WADA”) Prohibited List (click here to view). You may review the WADA Code by clicking here.

Black Belt Coaching Area 

If the tournament doesn't have a coaching area available, coaching will be prohibited within the barricaded area/competition area. Coaching will be allowed outside of the barricaded area only.

If the tournament has a specific designated  area for coaches, only coaches with valid IBJJF Black Belt membership ID will be allowed inside the coaching area.

Black Belt Coaches will need to have valid membership prior to the competition day. Memberships will not be renewed in person at the event.

Athlete Alone in the Division

Posted below are the three options for single-bracket competitors. Single-bracket competitors must inform IBJJF via their registered email which option they choose by 5 PM (event local time) on the event's Registration Checkday -

In the case that the division becomes populated with additional athletes during the Registration Checkday period, these options will no longer apply and the athlete will remain in the original division.


Athletes may stay in their current weight class, make weight, and receive the 1st place medal for the division.

Once the athlete has had their weight and uniform checked, they will then be eligible to register for the Open Class division in the case that the age and belt division offers an Open Class division.

Please note: Option #1 is the default option if athletes do not respond to by 5 PM (event local time) before the Registration Checkday deadline.


Move up or down in age and/or weight division.

By moving up or down in age and/or weight, athletes may be paired with an opponent. However, IBJJF cannot guarantee that an opponent will be available. Athletes may select a second change option in case their first choice of division change is not available.

Athletes can make their selection(s) after viewing the Athlete’s List by Division. The decision to move up or down in age and/or weight should be made solely at the athlete's discretion. If athletes choose OPTION 2 to change divisions, please be aware that athletes will be required to make weight for the new division. In order to request to change divisions, athletes will need to specify the exact division that they wish to be moved to. Athletes can specify a first and second choice (limited to the divisions available for the tournament).


Withdraw from the tournament if alone at 5 PM on the Registration Checkday.

Athletes who are alone in their division on the Registration Checkday are eligible to receive a full refund of their tournament registration fee if they contact PRIOR to the end of the Registration Checkday deadline. Refunds will be processed after 5 PM (event local time) if the athlete is still alone after the Checkday period.


Each team can only have two athletes in the same division bracket of age/weight/belt. If your team has more than two athletes in the same division, the Professor needs to email prior to the Professor Correction Period deadline in order to edit their student’s registration. This rule does not prevent you from registering for the event.

Athletes from the exact same team will not fight against each other before the final match, except in a three athletes bracket.

Medals and Trophy

Athletes who place in 1st, 2nd and 3rd in their division will receive a medal at the event. 

All the medals should be picked up at the event's podium. IBJJF does not mail out unclaimed or lost medals after the tournaments.

There will be two trophies awarded for this event:

Master Male

Master Female

Tournament T-Shirt

Athletes will receive a complimentary event t-shirt which they must pick up at the event's shirt booth.

IBJJF does not mail out unclaimed t-shirts after the tournaments.

What Is Not Permitted Inside the Venue

Signs/flags are not permitted inside the event facility.

Food, pets, professional cameras and guns are not permitted inside the event facility.

Please note that video recording for social media live streaming of fights will not be allowed at any time.

Media Professionals 

Media application click [here]

Media passes are not guaranteed upon application. All applications are up to review. The number of passes granted are limited.

Approval and denial emails will be sent approximately 2 weeks prior to the event.

A government issued photo ID will be required to claim the press vest in case of approval. The IBJJF staff will hold your ID until you return the press vest.

Doors will open approximately one hour before the first match. Please check the schedule day release above to find this information.

Please note that video recording and social media live streaming of fights will not be allowed at any time.


This tournament is organized by the International BJJ Inc. in partnership with the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation.


If you are interested in working with IBJJF for this championship, please complete the application form [here]